5K / 1K Fun Run
April 2022 Newsletter
April 2023 Newsletter
Are You a Provider?
August 2023 Newsletter
Calendar of Events
February 2024 Newsletter
Golf Tournament
How To Help
January 2023 Newsletter
January 2024 Newsletter
July 2024 Newsletter
June 2023 Newsletter
Just Like You Autism
Lending Library
March 2023 Newsletter
May 2022 Newsletter
May 2023 Newsletter
Mission / Vision
National Autism Acceptance Month
Newly Diagnosed
November 2023 Newletter
October 2023 Newsletter
Saturday Seminars
Scholarships / Grants
Sensory Friendly Films
September 2023 Newsletter
Social Groups
Social Media
Support Groups
Third Party Fundraisers
What We Do
What is Autism?
Who We Are


Information & Referral

Autism Society - The Heartland welcomes your phone calls and emails to help provide you with many resources for services and supports across the states of Kansas and Missouri. Please keep in mind that our affiliate does not provide direct services/assistance in treatment, legal services, and case management. We do have extensive resources about the following topics:


To speak to our Office Manager directly, call 913-706-0042 or e-mail us at ashofficeasst@gmail.com. Please be sure to provide your city and state, whether you are seeking information for a child or an adult, and a detailed description of the resources you need when submitting your question or inquiry. Please also include your phone number and email address in the body of your email so we can be sure to get back to you quickly!

The Autism Society of America also has a national call center. 

The Autism Society of America also provides trained staff to help negotiate the system of services and connect people to resources and support in their communities for immediate and future needs. The Autism Society of America has provided I&R services since it began almost 50 years ago. The Autism Society of America delivers its nationwide one-on-one information and referral Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) through the toll-free number 800-3-AUTISM (800-328-8476) and email info@autism-society.org.

Are you a provider? 

Please visit our website here for more information.